25 من أعجوبة الكوسباليين الذين يشبهون شخصياتهم تمامًا
25 من أعجوبة الكوسباليين الذين يشبهون شخصياتهم تمامًا

حل موسم Comic Con ، مما يعني أن الوقت قد حان لممارسي الكوسبلير من جميع أنحاء العالم لإخراج أحدث وأروع إبداعاتهم.

بقدر ما هو مثير لسماع التحديثات الجديدة على عروض وأفلام الأبطال الخارقين المفضلة لدينا ، فإن الأزياء المشرقة والنابضة بالحياة هي التي تضيء قاعات المؤتمرات - والمدينة المحيطة - كل عام. ستعرض هذه القائمة أفضل عروض الأزياء التنكرية من سلسلة Marvel ، ولكن إذا كنت أيضًا (أو أكثر) شخصًا في DC ، فيمكنك الاطلاع على عروض الأزياء التنكرية المفضلة لدينا من تلك المجموعة هنا. كل من هذه القائمة والقائمة أدناه تتميز ببعض الأشخاص الموهوبين حقًا.

يستعد عشاق Marvel للجزء الأول من Avengers: Infinity War ، الذي سيصدر في مايو من العام المقبل. تم الكشف عن لقطات جديدة خلال معرض D23 Expo في أنهايم ، وسوف نحصل على المزيد من التحديثات خلال Comic Con. ولكن بينما يحب العديد من الأشخاص ارتداء الأزياء التنكرية من MCU الرسمية ، فإننا نوفر الامتياز بالكامل ، من X-Men إلى Deadpool.

هؤلاء هم 25 من أعجوبة الكوسباليين الذين يشبهون شخصياتهم تمامًا.

25 X-23 ولفيرين

"لا تحاول أبدًا الدخول إلى رأسي ، فهذا مظلمة جدًا بالنسبة لك." ?: @ s1price_lightworks # cosplay #cosplayer #wolverinecosplay #wolverinecosplay #mutantmonday #mutant # x23 #xmen # x23iswolverine #allnewalldifferentwolverine #wigisfashion #honeycolor #snikt

تم نشر مشاركة بواسطة KayleyMarieCosplay (kayleymariecosplay) في 10 يوليو 2017 الساعة 8:16 صباحًا بتوقيت المحيط الهادي الصيفي

بدأنا القائمة بنوع من نوع الجنس. ولفيرين هو واحد من العديد من الأبطال الخارقين الذين تولت امرأة عباءته في مرحلة ما من القصص المصورة. من بين النسخ النسائية الأخرى للأبطال الذكور في الأصل جين فوستر ، التي أصبحت ثور ، و سبايدر جوين إلى حد ما. في حين أن معاملة الانحناء بين الجنسين تثير استياء القراء في بعض الأحيان ، إلا أنها فرصة رائعة لمصممي الأزياء التنكرية لاستعراض إبداعهم.

كايلي ماري كوسبلاي هي نموذج صفحة لـ Wonderful World of Cosplay وعضو في المنظمة الخيرية Central PA Avengers. إنها تنكر العديد من شخصيات الكتاب الهزلي ، بما في ذلك الإناث Thor و Gwen Stacy و Black Canary ، بالإضافة إلى شخصيات كرتونية مثل Kim Possible و Ariel و Misty.

(رصيد الصورة - S1Price Lightworks)

24 إيما فروست

"حبيبي ، لم تكن لديك فرصة أبدًا." ??? تم التقاط سحر إيما فروست بفضلtonyjuliusphotography أنا فقط أحب جمال كرة الديسكو المتلألئة. #emmafrost #emmafrostcosplay #xmencosplay

تم نشر مشاركة بواسطة AmberSkies (amberskiescosplay) في 5 يوليو 2017 الساعة 12:59 مساءً بتوقيت المحيط الهادئ

قام المصور توني جوليوس بتصوير هذه الصورة الرائعة إيما فروست خلال Wondercon لهذا العام في أبريل. التفاصيل في هذا التنكر مدهشة ، مع وجود البطانة في الأعلى واللمعان في كل مكان لهذا التأثير الجليدي. شعر مستعار يبدو رائعًا أيضًا - لا يقصد التورية - بسبب قوامه الذي يشبه القش نتيجة التجميد.

Amber Skies هي لاعبة تنكرية حائزة على جوائز من ولاية أريزونا وكانت نشطة منذ عام 2014 ، على الرغم من أنها كانت أقل من عام عندما حضرت أول مؤتمر لها. إنها متخصصة في تأثيري ديزني لأنها تعمل كأميرة محترفة للتأجير ، ولكنها معروفة أيضًا بزيها التنكري باسم سديم من حراس المجرة والملكة سيرينتي من سيلور مون. لديها متجر Etsy الخاص بها حيث تبيع إكسسوارات تأثيري والأعمال الفنية.

23 Yondu و Rocket Raccoon

بعد ساعات قليلة فقط من دخول Comic Con Stuttgart ، تم القبض علينا ?? شكرًا جزيلًا لشباب @ arkham.outbreak أنه يمكننا التقاط صور في كشكك ? #comiccon # comiccon2017 # comiccongermany2017 #comiccongermany #comicconstuttgart #messestuttgart #gotg # gotgvol2 # # العاب_من_العربية_العربية_الصغيرة

تم نشر مشاركة بواسطة ورشة التنين (dragonworkshop_cosplay) في 5 يوليو 2017 الساعة 2:19 مساءً بتوقيت المحيط الهادئ

تم التقاط هذه اللقطة المرحة في Comic Con Germany في شتوتغارت في وقت سابق من هذا الشهر ، في كشك تصوير تديره Arkham Outbreak. زنزانة السجن عبارة عن إعداد بسيط ، لكنها مناسبة بالنظر إلى ما يحدث لهذه الشخصيات خلال الفيلم الثاني ، بالإضافة إلى أن تعبير وجه Yondu مثالي للصورة. قد لا يكون حجم بدلة الصاروخ صحيحًا ، لكن التفاصيل الموجودة فيه لا تزال مثيرة للإعجاب.

ديفيد وتينا ، المعروفان معًا باسم Dragon Workshop ، هما لاعبان تنكري ألمان نشطان في المجتمع منذ عام 2013. معظمهم من أفلام الخيال العلمي والفانتازيا ، والمعروفين أيضًا بتمثيل شخصيات من Game of Thrones ، How to Train Your Dragon ، حرب النجوم ، وسيد الخواتم. يقومون بالعديد من البراعم ذات المناظر الخلابة ، بما في ذلك واحدة حيث ذهبوا للسباحة في بحيرة.

22 النمل مان

لقد كان لدي بلاست الظهور الأول لبدلة الحرب الأهلية الجديدة في Nashville'sheroesfanfest اليوم! ? لقد كان تعليقًا رائعًا معtheroguesgallerycosplay ولا يمكنني الانتظار للعودة غدًا! (خوذة ثلاثية الأبعاد مطبوعة بواسطة @ spe3dyprints)

تم نشر مشاركة بواسطة Ant-Lord (antlordcosplay) في 8 يوليو 2017 الساعة 2:46 مساءً بتوقيت المحيط الهادئ

تم التقاط هذه اللقطة خلال مهرجان Heroes & Villains Fan Fest في ناشفيل. من المؤكد أن البدلة جيدة الصنع ، بما في ذلك الخوذة التي طبعها جاريد لوتشيسي من Spe3dyprints بتقنية ثلاثية الأبعاد ، لذا سيكون مناسبًا لأي مجموعة حرب أهلية. يعتبر Ant-Lord أيضًا ارتفاعًا جيدًا للشخصية ، حيث يُرى Ant-Man (بشكل طبيعي) غالبًا بقدرات أصغر ، ومع ذلك فهو ليس قصيرًا جدًا.

آنت لورد كوزبلاي من ولاية تينيسي ، وهو يرتدي ملابس تنكرية منذ عام 2015. وهو عضو في المجموعة الخيرية The Rogues Gallery Cosplay ، واسمه التنكري مستمد من اثنين من عروض الأزياء التنكرية الخاصة به ، Ant-Man و Star-Lord. يقول إن الشيء الوحيد الذي تعلمه من خلال التنكرية هو أنه "لا تعرف أبدًا ما الذي سيحدث بمجرد أن ترتدي البدلة".

21 امرأة غير مرئية

نعم ، لقد نجوت. هذا ما نفعله في لعبة الأربعة الرائعة تلك العودة إلى تلك الصورة الرائعة بواسطة وارن باكيه. افتقد ارتداء هذا. # marvelcosplay #susanstormcosplay #invisiblewomancosplay #fantasticfourcosplay #fantasticfour

تم نشر مشاركة بواسطةmya | 23 | paris ? (vishanti_) في 22 مايو 2017 الساعة 1:57 مساءً بتوقيت المحيط الهادئ الصيفي

لطالما تعرضت أفلام Fantastic Four للضرب أو الفشل (حسنًا ، غالبًا ما تخطئ) ، لكن التنكر يستمر في إبهارنا. هذه اللقطة ، التي التقطها Warren Paquet ، هي مثال كلاسيكي على كيف يمكن أن يأخذ تحرير الصور تنكريًا رائعًا بالفعل ويجعله يبدو أفضل.

ومع ذلك ، في حين أن التأثيرات تبدو رائعة ، فإن بدلة Fantastic Four لا يمكن الاستهزاء بها بأي وسيلة - Vishanti هي مباراة قوية جدًا لسوزان ستورم. يبدو شعار "4" نسخة طبق الأصل من القصص المصورة. في كل مكان ، مع وضعيتها وكل التأثيرات ، هذه لقطة رائعة.

Vishanti هو صانع أزياء فرنسي ومتحمس للفن. وهي معروفة أيضًا بزيها التنكري مثل Scarlet Witch ، والدكتورة Strange ، والأميرة Leia و Rey.

20 الساحرة القرمزية (كاريكاتير)

سيدني سوبانوفا 2017 ، تصوير @ kindagoodphotos… #cosplay #marvel #cosplayer #comiccon #marveluniverse #cosplaygirl #mcu #popculture #cosplaying #scarletwitch #cosplayersofinstagram #cosplayphotography #marvelcosplay #cosplaylife #cosplaygirls #supanova #instacosplay #ozcomiccon #scarlettwitch #sydnova #supanovaexpo # supanova2017 #cosplayaustralia #sydneysupanova # ozcomiccon2017 # sydnova2017 #ozplay #ausplay #missmimic #missmimiccosplay

تم نشر مشاركة بواسطة Miss Mimic (missmimiccosplay) في 26 حزيران 2017 الساعة 4:38 صباحًا بتوقيت المحيط الهادئ

التقط ديفيد ميجر من Kinda Good Photography هذه الصورة لملكة جمال ميميك في سيدني سوبانوفا لهذا العام مرة أخرى في يونيو. يبدو الشعر رائعًا وغطاء الرأس يتشكل بشكل مثالي ويؤطر وجهها بشكل جيد (تحقق من صور التقدم على صفحتها على Facebook).

وجهها مذهل للغاية ، وعيناها تخترقان الكاميرا وتتبعانك ، أيًا كان الاتجاه الذي تنظر منه. من خلال شكلها وتعبيرات وجهها ، تعرف كيف تقلد واندا جيدًا.

Miss Mimic هي من أستراليا وتعمل في مجال الأزياء التنكرية منذ عام 2013. وهي معروفة أيضًا بكونها تنكرية مثل The Wasp from Ant-Man ، و Bellatrix Lestrange من Harry Potter ، والسيدة Lovett من Sweeney Todd ، على الرغم من أن Scarlet Witch يبدو أنها تنكرية مميزة لها.

19 Psylocke

Psylocke - إليزابيث برادوك "لماذا … يبدو أنكم يا رجال تتحدثون دائمًا بشعارات مفتولة؟" #psylocke #marvel #elizabethbraddock #psylockecosplay # marvel cosplay

تم نشر مشاركة بواسطة ماريا مارغريتا إيرلين (mmearlene) في 31 آذار 2017 الساعة 10:20 مساءً بتوقيت المحيط الهادي الصيفي

قد تكون بدلة Psylocke في الجانب الأبسط ، لكن هذا لا يجعل من السهل خلعها. ماريا مارجريتا إيرلين ، أو إم إم باختصار ، تقوم بعمل رائع في تجسيد الشخصية ، على الرغم من تشابهها القوي معها بالتأكيد. في حين أن المطاط واللاتكس ليس من السهل دائمًا العمل بهما ، استخدمت MM المادة جيدًا وصنعت بدلة لطيفة.

MM Earlene هي مدوّنة و YouTuber وفنانة مكياج من إندونيسيا تعمل منذ عام 2010. أسست مجتمع Zero Cosplay و Belajar Makeup Karakter ، وقادت سابقًا Indonesia Zombie Club.

وهي معروفة أيضًا بأزياء تنكرية مثل Catwoman و Wonder Woman و Black Widow و Dark Phoenix ، من بين أشياء أخرى كثيرة. تستضيف ورش عمل للمكياج وتحكم في مسابقات تأثيري في جميع أنحاء بلدها.

18 Negasonic Teenage الرؤوس الحربية

one of my favorite negasonic shots from sac winter in honor of the new Deadpool teaser released today (FT @thepandapool in the background)so excited for more development on the movie aaaaaaawhat are your thoughts on the deadpool sequel?? #negasonicteenagewarhead #Deadpool #deadpool2 #negasonicteenagewarheadcosplay #deadpoolcosplay

A post shared byVomit Comet ? (@vomcomcos) on Mar 4, 2017 at 1:01pm PST

Who’s excited for the Deadpool sequel next year? Of course you are. Hopefully we’ll see another trailer for it during Comic Con this weekend. Negasonic didn’t get a whole lot of screen time in the first movie, but she had some funny lines and cool action moments.

Cosplayer ihatejjba, also known as Icky, successfully captures the spirit and spunk of Negasonic in this shot taken at this year’s Winter SacAnime, held back in January. Negasonic stopping to check her phone before the final battle makes the buildup to it even funnier, and seeing Icky recreating that scene is awesome. Holding the Deadpool mask was also a nice touch.

Icky is from California and is also known for cosplaying from Voltron, Haikyuu!!, and Dragon Ball, among others.

17 Deadpool


A post shared byDeadpool's apprentice ????L (@darth_deadpool) on Jul 10, 2017 at 3:53am PDT

And now here’s Deadpool himself, with cosplayer darth_dead_pool in the suit made by El Fett and Professional Cosplay. While there are no chimichangas or guns to be seen, this still feels like a Deadpool-y shot, almost reminiscent of the initial teaser photo where Ryan Reynolds’ Deadpool is hanging out in front of the X-Men mansion on an equally sunny day.

The flowers completely clash with Wade’s sarcastic, violent nature, which is why they work so well in this photo. Overall, this is a nicely made suit worn for a great picture.

Darth_dead_pool is a Deadpool fanatic who refers to himself as Deadpool’s apprentice.

Apparently the Deadpool sequel is supposed to be funnier than the original movie, as if there wasn’t already enough hype for the sequel.

16 Spider-Man and Mary-Jane Watson

Lighting is weird but whatever.#throwback to #otakon when MJ found Spidy. ❤? #Spiderman #MaryJaneWatson #otakon2016

A post shared byBre (@ryn_chan_cosplay) on Oct 13, 2016 at 8:37am PDT

Ryn Chan Cosplay caught up to the webslinger himself while dressed as Mary-Jane Watson during last year’s Otakon. Her Spider-Man heart t-shirt is iconic from the comics, and Ryn Chan makes a beautiful MJ without pushing the sexiness so hard. Ryn Chan has a natural glow to her, and together they look adorable.

Ryn Chan Cosplay is from Pennsylvania, but she attends conventions around the East Coast. She is also known for cosplaying as Raven from Teen Titans, a Nurse from Silent Hill, a Psycho from Borderlands, and both Mercy and D.Va from Overwatch.

Ryn Chan is also a volunteer for the nonprofit organization Cosplayers Care and has her own Etsy shop where she sells cosplay prints.

15 Black Panther

I got called "your highness" so much yesterday lol #BlackPanther #blerdcon2017 #blerdcon2017 #blackcosplay #tchalla #blackpanthercosplay

A post shared byRon Walls Jr. (@rockodubbs) on Jul 2, 2017 at 8:12am PDT

As he prepared to assume the Black Panther identity, T’Challa, played by Chadwick Boseman, made a stellar debut in Civil War as a member of Team Iron Man. Now Black Panther is next in the MCU lineup, coming in February 2018 following the release of Thor: Ragnarok in November.

In the meantime, Ron Walls Jr., a cosplayer from Maryland, rocked this Black Panther suit during this year’s BlerDCon at the beginning of this month. The Black Panther costume is already sleek to begin with – the craftsmanship is quite nice – but being muscular and in such great shape helps Ron to fill out the suit nicely.

While he mostly attends conventions as Black Panther, Ron has also been seen cosplaying as Spider-Man and multiple Power Rangers.

14 Miss Marvel

Miss marvel is My love cosplay <3 #ateneacosplay #followmeinfacebookateneacosplay. #missmarvelcosplay #cosplay

A post shared byatenea (@ateneacosplay) on Jan 2, 2016 at 8:03am PST

While it’s Captain Marvel we’ll be seeing more of in the future, with Brie Larson joining the MCU, we can still appreciate this great Miss Marvel cosplay by Atenea Cosplay.

This is another simple cosplay (at least by superhero standards) that was knocked out of the park. The entire suit looks crisp and clean, the pose is great, and the fire is a nice effect added in to really bring Miss Marvel to life.

Atenea Cosplay is from Mexico and dabbles in makeup and photography, on top of cosplay. She is an official page model for both Super Geek Girls and Hot and Geeky. She is also known for cosplaying as Psylocke, Scarlet Witch, Wonder Woman (multiple variants), Juliet Starling, and Spider-Gwen, among many others.

13 Yondu Poppins

I'm Mary poppin's y'all!!! @ohnoitsrick #yondu #yondupoppins #yonducosplay #michaelrooker #guardiansofthegalaxy #marypoppins #marypoppinscosplay

A post shared by @ justin.cosplay on Jul 9, 2017 at 5:31pm PDT

This was a hilarious, classic scene from Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2, where Star-Lord (Chris Pratt) tells Yondu (Michael Rooker) that he looks like Mary Poppins floating down to them with his red Yaka Arrow. Shortly after the film’s release, Rooker revealed that this exchange was completely improvised. Well, somebody decided to cosplay it (lots of somebodies, actually, but this was the best one).

Baby Groot and Rocket in the large purse is funny and adorable, along with the troll doll and other tiny toys attached to his hat. His face also kind of looks like Rooker’s, but either way, he is owning this cosplay. He really is Mary Poppins, y’all – and we love it and think he looks awesome.

(photo credit – Justin Cosplay)

12 Doctor Strange

#doctorstrangecosplay #doctorstrange #stephenstrangecosplay #stephenstrange #marvelcosplay #marvel #benedictcumberbatch

A post shared byEmily ? (@221bdisney) on Jul 3, 2017 at 2:59pm PDT

We’re all excited to see Doctor Strange again in Thor: Ragnarok and Avengers: Infinity War. It’s amazing how identical Emily looks to Benedict Cumberbatch, which you can also see in her Sherlock cosplay.

The makeup work is great, with the facial hair and fake blood. With the extra details on the cloak and belt, you can tell that she put a lot of work into this cosplay, and we love it because of that. The shiny glint on the ring was a nice effect – compliments to the (unknown) photographer.

Emily is a cosplayer and LGBTQ activist from Massachusetts. She’s a Benedict Cumberbatch impersonator of sorts, though she also cosplays Black Widow, Elizabeth Comstock, and Norma Bates. She has her own YouTube channel, where she posts Cosplay Music Videos (CMVs) and other cosplay shenanigans.

11 Gamora

Most Dangerous Woman in the Galaxy ? Ph. @antonio_serini#gamora #gamoracosplay #guardiansofthegalaxy #guardiansofthegalaxyvol2 #marvelcosplay #marvel #Cosplaygirl #Cosplay

A post shared byAsia Carfì (@asiacarfi) on Apr 12, 2017 at 3:07pm PDT

Body paint can be tricky (not to mention messy), and it’s hard to find the exact shade you need, but Asia Carfì did a great job of turning herself into the most dangerous woman in the galaxy.

The sword is beautifully crafted with all of its intricate details, and she picked a good wig too. Having gone beyond simply throwing on a black top and spandex, Asia definitely looks like she belongs in the Marvel universe. This shot looks somewhat reminiscent of the first Guardians movie.

Asia is an Italian cosplayer and an Official Cutie (page model) for Cute Cosplay. She is also known for cosplaying as Kim Possible, Princess Jasmine, Scarlet Witch, and the Enchantress, among others. Antonio Serini was the photographer for this shoot.

10 Star-Lord

Let's Dance! Fot: @sliwkowapanna ? #starlord #starlordcosplay #guardiansofthegalaxy #marvel #marvelcosplay #cosplay #cosplayer #peterquill #dance #dancing#michaeljackson #michaeljacksontoestand #dancelikemichaeljackson #Music #yumikasaphotography #januszekospleju #Pyrkon #pyrkon2017 #drawmekulka

A post shared byMatt Smolarek (@matt2106) on May 7, 2017 at 1:30pm PDT

Following Gamora is her teammate and love interest, Star-Lord. Monika Łasicka from Yumikasa Photography snapped this photo of Matt Smolarek during this year’s Pyrkon back in April.

Everything about this shot screams, “Star-Lord,” from the cassette player in his hand, to the Michael Jackson toe stand he pulls as he’s dancing along, and even the lights in the background fit the space theme and make us feel as if we’re being transported to another planet with Peter. Hell, we can even hear the Guardians soundtrack start to play in our heads as we look at this photo. This is an epic photo of an amazing cosplay.

Matt is a Polish cosplayer also known for cosplaying as Captain America, though he plans to do more cosplays in the future.

9 Captain Marvel

I don't think i've posted my favourite shot from Katsucon yet. Have I? I don't remember. Running around as Captain Marvel and being able to use my natural hair for the cosplay is an incredible feeling. I love this cosplay to death. What do you guys think? Where do I rank on your list of Captain Marvel cosplayers?. ?: @nazariophoto. #cosplay #cosplaygirl #marvel #marvelcosplay #captainmarvel #caroldanvers #comics #marvelcomics #comiccosplay #cosplayersofinstagram #hero #herocosplay #superhero

A post shared by? Hanari Solomon ? (@hanari502) on Apr 23, 2017 at 12:33pm PDT

Francisco Nazario took this photo of Hanari Soloman of Hanari Cosplay during this year’s Katsucon in February. While Captain Marvel has sported several different hairstyles throughout her comics, we adore Hanari’s hairdo in this photo, especially because she’s using her real hair.

The lighting is great, capturing her profile while brightening her hair and the gold accents on her suit. No wonder people go to Katsucon to take pictures – the scenery is awesome.

Hanari is from Florida and has been cosplaying since 2011. She’s won multiple awards in the Masters division of cosplay contests, most recently Best in Show at this year’s Anime Expo. She is also known for cosplaying as Jinx from League of Legends, Junkenstein from Overwatch (which won her Best in Show), and Black Canary, among others.

8 Sailor Deadpool

Deadpool cosplays are commonplace at conventions, even more now after the release of the movie, and there is always that group of Deadpools competing to see who is the most Deadpool-y of them. But even more common are crossover cosplays, which mashes Deadpool together with another character usually outside of the Marvel universe. One popular series to crossover with is Sailor Moon, with many cosplayers throwing on the classic sailor fuku and wig over Deadpool’s suit.

But what’s great about Jesserz’s cosplay is that she didn’t take the easy route – she went the extra mile to alter the fuku to better suit the Merc with a Mouth, adding bullets to the skirt and crafting a new sailor collar and bow in Deadpool’s colors.

7 Scarlet Witch (movies)

??I'll protect it. It's my job. ??I am constantly meeting new photographers and I love how each of them are so different and talented. Here's an awesome shot from one of the new photographers I met at @animeexpo PC?: @futurex_productions Jacket and dress: @theraestew ❤️?❤️……… #scarletwitch #wandamaximoff #wanda #animeexpo #animeexpo2017 #ax #theavengers #avengers #cosplay #cosplayer #cosplaygirl #superhero #marvel #marvelcomics #comics #comicbooks #comicbook #mcu #marveluniverse #captainamerica #ironman #hulk #scarletwitchcosplay #magic #witch #badass

A post shared byDayna Sauble (@thedrpepperprincess) on Jul 8, 2017 at 1:45pm PDT

FutureX shot this at this year’s Anime Expo, with Rachel Rae providing the wardrobe. While this was a team effort, with a little help from a friend, Dayna Sauble is able to transform into the Scarlet Witch that we first saw in Age of Ultron. The lighting works for her character, and a little photo editing gives Dayna the extra power to wow us. With her face and hair, we see a nice blend of Wanda from both the comics and the movies. Great work, everyone!

Dayna Sauble is a cosplayer, singer and actress from California. She works as a party princess and a brand rep for Hot Topic. She is also known for cosplaying as Supergirl, Spider-Girl, Wonder Woman, and Mary-Jane Watson, among many Disney princesses.

6 Black Widow

Do you really wanna punch your way out of this? ???. Photographer unknown (I found it on Pinterest). Looking at this just reminds me that I need to revamp this suit and accessories. Soon…ish… #stillpreferwintersoldierversion #blackwidow #cosplay #cosplaygirls #marvel #marvelcosplay #avengers #natasharomanoff #avengersassemble #badasscosplay #cosplayandbabes #cosplayalliance #nerdydozen #comicsandcosplay #photography #marvelcosplay #civilwar #captainamerica #lacomiccon #comikaze #starsofcosplay

A post shared byHannah Keely (@keelycosplay) on Apr 25, 2017 at 9:26am PDT

This shot of Hannah Keely, also known as Keely Cosplay, went viral on social media, to the point where she couldn’t even find the original photographer. At least her cosplay is popular.

The wig is nice, pushing her towards Natasha’s Civil War look, and her suit and weapons are well-made. Her face is soft, but strong, knowing that she could take anyone down. Also as a random bonus, she picked a good spot to wear her badge – it’s subtle, not taking away from the cosplay the way wearing it around her neck would.

Keely is a cosplayer and YouTuber from California as well. She is also known for cosplaying as Black Canary, Domino, and both Kim Possible and Shego. On the channel that she co-runs, KT and Keely, she vlogs and does costume and makeup tutorials.

5 Thanos

Sono co-fondatore assieme a mio figlio Ricky di Prizmatec. Una azienda e un mondo dove condivido la mia passione per le armature, i costumi scenografici, i robottoni. - Gae #Prizmatec #cosplay #team #armor #thanos #marvel

A post shared byPrizmatec Cosplay Official (@prizmateccosplay) on Jan 26, 2017 at 12:18am PST

Thanos hasn’t been doing much in the earlier MCU installments, but he’s finally ready for action and getting off his space throne for Infinity War, where he’ll be fighting both the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy.

This Thanos suit looks like it was taken directly from the set of the new Avengers movie – all he needs now is the Infinity Gauntlet (though if we want the world to stay in one piece, he probably shouldn’t have it).

Prizmatec is a family of Italian cosplayers who have been active in the community since 2012. They’ve also built suits for Ultimate Iron Man, War Machine, and they’ve even completed Gundam and Evangelion builds. Everyone works together as a family – what a great way to spend time together!

4 Loki

Another photo from convent. Loki cosplay from new Thor Ragnarok. #loki #lokithor #thor #lokicosplay #lokicrown #lokiragnarok #thorloki #tomhiddleston #cosplay #photo #photography#marvel #marvelloki #comics #marvelcosplay #lokihiddleston #sexy #thorragnarok#cosplaylife #cosplayboy#cosplayprop #cosplayprops #russiancosplay #rockstarwigs #cosplayculturemag #cosplaykingdom

A post shared bySerg Loki Mirage (@sergmirage) on Jul 8, 2017 at 11:18pm PDT

Going from the next villain to one of the first, there are plenty of awesome Loki cosplayers out there, both male and female, but Serg Loki Mirage stands out because of how much he looks like Tom Hiddleston. He has the hair, the eyes, the whole facial structure in general

all of which is framed nicely by the beautiful yet intimidating headpiece he crafted to complete Loki’s outfit from the upcoming Thor: Ragnarok.

Serg Loki Mirage is a Russian cosplayer who has been active since 2015. While Loki is his signature cosplay, hence his name, he is also known for cosplaying as Bucky Barnes/The Winter Soldier, Thranduil from The Hobbit, and Fenris from Dragon Age 2. The cool thing about him is his versatility, something you don’t see Loki in his other cosplays.

3 Thor

Now we go from the Asgardian antagonist to his more heroic brother. As his name would imply, James is a cosplayer from the UK who specifically focuses on portraying Thor, modeling this suit made by fellow Brit Adam of Crossbones Cosplay. This may be an old suit, as James is preparing to use bits and pieces of it to cosplay the one from the upcoming Ragnarok, but it’s a good one nonetheless.

He sells the cosplay well with his long, blond locks and beard, similar to Chris Hemsworth’s style. He even has similar eyes to Hemsworth, which is pretty cool, even if he doesn’t present a goofy, fun-seeking vibe like Thor sometimes has in the movies. Overall, he makes a great god of thunder.

2 Captain America and Spider-Man

This is an amazing shot taken by Gabriele Porrelli of Intrusioni Creative that recreates part of the airport scene from Civil War (after Cap gets his stolen shield back, of course). You can almost feel Spidey punching that shield, the sound reverberating across the runway.

Posing in general can be fun and look cool, but there is nothing quite like a strong action shot. While often against convention rules, mock combat can make any photo shoot more thrilling, leading to even better photos - like this one.

David and Viktor, together known as CT Avengers, are also Italian cosplayers. They have been active in the cosplay community since 2016 and appear at various cosplay events and entertainment fairs, with Spidey and Cap as their signature characters.

1 Iron Man

This Iron Man suit is pretty much flawless. He looks like he just walked off the Avengers set, or he could be a model for the action figure. The lights really sell it to make this suit look like it’s fully functional, capable of taking off at any moment. This must have taken months, if not a year, to complete, but Thai cosplayer Yosatorn Chamachoti did it, and we are beyond impressed.

There are tons of Iron Man cosplays out there of varying quality. Some are hilariously low-budget and become memes because of it, but a full Iron Man suit that nearly replicates the one from the movies is one of the best cosplays to find at a convention or online.

(photo credit – MP Photographer)


Which of these awesome cosplays is your favorite? Answer in the comments!